Best SEO Packages In India

Banter Marketo delivers India’s premier SEO packages, expertly tailored to navigate the nation’s unique digital landscape. Harness the power of advanced SEO strategies combined with local insights, ensuring your brand not only ranks but reigns supreme in Indian search results

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Achieve Better ROI with Our Effective SEO Packages in India

Discover our tailored SEO packages in India designed to boost your Return on Investment (ROI) and drive organic traffic to your website.


Upto 25 keywords

15K Month

Initial Review & Analysis

– On Page Optimization –

– On Page Optimization –

Content Writing –


Local Optimization –

Video Marketing


Upto 50 keywords

30K Month

Initial Review & Analysis

– On Page Optimization –

– On Page Optimization –

Content Writing –


Local Optimization –

Video Marketing


Upto 100 keywords

55K Month

Initial Review & Analysis

– On Page Optimization –

– On Page Optimization –

Content Writing –


Local Optimization –

Video Marketing


Upto 200 keywords

100K Month

Initial Review & Analysis

– On Page Optimization –

Voice Search Optimization

Content Writing –


Local Optimization –

Video Marketing

Our Results Speak!

From 0 to 14k traffic in just 3 months for a client

Generated 5 million visitors for a client health & fitness.

Generated 5 lakhs local listing views for a school

Worked with over 450+ Clients in B2B & 300+ in B2C


Higher SERP Ranking


Elevate your position on search engine results pages, driving organic traffic directly to your site.

More Brand Visibility


Enhance your online presence, making it easier for potential customers to find and recognize your brand.

Optimized Website Performance


Speed up your site and improve user experience, encouraging longer visits and higher conversion rates.

Quality Backlink Building


Establish authority by securing links from reputable sources, boosting trust and driving referral traffic.

Targeted Keyword Research


Pinpoint the exact terms your audience is searching for, ensuring you appear at the right place at the right time.

Engaging Content Creation


Craft relevant and compelling content that not only ranks well but resonates with your target audience.


In our quest for ROI driven SEO strategy, we adhere to a systematic and strategic approach, ensuring tangible value to your digital marketing efforts.


We dig deep to understand your business, target audience, and competition. This step is all about gathering essential data to craft the right strategy.


Using advanced tools, we identify the best keywords that your potential customers use to search. This ensures your website appears when it matters most.


We tweak your website’s content, meta tags, and structure to make it more appealing to search engines, ensuring it’s easily understood and ranked higher.


Fresh, quality content is key. We produce relevant articles, blogs, and other content types that engage users and boost your site’s authority.


Think of this as building roads to your website. We create high-quality backlinks from trustworthy sites to increase your website’s credibility and ranking.


Behind-the-scenes magic! We optimize your site’s speed, enhance mobile-friendliness, and fix any issues to ensure a smooth experience for both users and search engines.


Using specialized tools, we keep an eye on your site’s performance, traffic, and rankings, ensuring you’re always in the know with regular updates.


SEO isn’t a one-time thing. We continuously adjust and refine our strategies based on results and changing search engine algorithms to keep you on top.

Why Banter Marketo’s SEO Packages Are Best?


Tailoring SEO specifically to extremely niche local markets, ensuring unparalleled visibility in community-based searches.


Harnessing advanced AI to predict future search behaviors, positioning your content ahead of emerging trends.


Adapting content to seamlessly resonate with diverse cultural nuances, ensuring relevance across global audiences.


Deciphering the cost of SEO services is akin to navigating a dynamic digital landscape, where various factors determine the investment required for optimal results.
The larger and more complex the site, the more time and resources are required to optimize it. Websites with numerous pages, products, or intricate architectures often necessitate a more extensive SEO investment.
Entering a market with high competition or aiming for highly sought-after keywords can increase costs. A competitive industry requires more advanced strategies and continuous effort to achieve top rankings.
While basic SEO might only cover on-page optimization and content creation, a comprehensive approach includes off-page SEO, technical SEO, continuous content development, and more. The more in-depth the strategy, the higher the cost.
SEO often intertwines with other digital marketing activities like content creation, social media marketing, or PPC. If these services are bundled together, it might increase the overall cost.
The cost of SEO can vary greatly depending on various factors, from the size of your website to the market you’re targeting. It’s essential to view SEO not merely as a cost but as an investment in your business’s digital growth. By understanding what factors into the price, you can make an informed decision that balances budget and expected outcomes.

Recent Case Studies

Recent Case Studies


Traffic Increase
0 %


Traffic Increase
0 %
Cyber Security


Traffic Increase
0 %
HR Services


Traffic Increase
0 %
HR Services

How Much Should I Invest in My SEO Packages?

Determining the right investment for your SEO packages is crucial for both immediate and sustained online visibility. Here’s what you should weigh in when setting your budget:

Business Size & Stage

Larger enterprises or those in competitive industries might require heftier SEO investments than small startups or local businesses.

Current SEO Health

If your site already has a solid SEO foundation, you might focus on refinement rather than a complete overhaul, affecting costs.

Target Audience & Geolocation

Targeting a global audience or a particular region can differ in cost due to competition, local SEO elements, and keyword specificity.

Desired Outcomes

If you’re aiming for rapid growth and top SERP placements, be prepared for a more significant investment compared to maintaining current rankings.

Content Integration

SEO isn’t just about keywords; it’s about quality content. Consider the costs of integrating consistent, high-quality content that satisfies both users and search engines.
While SEO demands financial investment, it’s an essential endeavor that drives organic traffic and builds brand authority. It’s paramount to view SEO not just as a cost but as a strategic investment with potential for significant ROI in the long run.

What Our Clients Say

Hear directly from our valued clients about their transformative experiences and the tangible results they’ve achieved through our specialized SEO services. Their testimonials offer genuine insight into our commitment to excellence.

Bharat Rao

Banter Marketo transformed our online presence. Highly recommend their SEO services.

J.T. O'Donnell

Exceptional results from Banter Marketo’s SEO expertise. Thrilled with the outcome.

Jean-Charles FORTOUL

Banter Marketo delivered top-notch SEO results. A trusted partner for success.

Micah Shepard

Impressed by Banter Marketo’s SEO strategies. Our rankings have soared!

Rakshit Hargave

Banter Marketo’s SEO is outstanding. Our website traffic has surged.

Wee Hsien Tan

Banter Marketo’s SEO is a game-changer. Our ROI has never been better.

Get A Free SEO Audit

Uncover your website's strengths and areas for improvement with our
complimentary SEO assessment.

FAQs on SEO Packages By Banter Marketo

Banter Marketo’s SEO packages offer a comprehensive suite of services, ranging from on-page optimization, keyword research, link-building strategies, to regular reporting. We ensure a holistic approach to boost your website’s ranking and visibility.
Our packages stand out due to their tailored approach for the Indian market, combined with our expert team’s in-depth knowledge. We leverage advanced tools and methodologies, ensuring clients receive the best ROI.
Absolutely. Understanding that every business has unique needs, we offer flexibility in our packages, allowing modifications to align with specific client requirements.
Yes. Local SEO is integral for businesses aiming to dominate their local market. Our packages encompass strategies to ensure you rank high for local searches.
SEO is a long-term strategy. Typically, noticeable improvements begin within 3-6 months, but achieving consistent and sustainable results might take longer, depending on the competition and industry.
Yes, transparency is paramount. We offer monthly reports detailing your website’s performance, keyword rankings, and areas of improvement.
Our aim is to provide flexibility. While some packages might have duration-based discounts, we ensure clients aren’t bound by restrictive contracts.
Our team stays updated with the latest SEO trends. When Google rolls out algorithm updates, we adjust our strategies to ensure your website remains compliant and optimized.
Yes, content is king in SEO. Our packages often include content strategy and creation, ensuring your website is rich with relevant and quality material.
Banter Marketo has experience across various industries, from e-commerce, healthcare, to local businesses. Our packages are designed to cater to diverse market needs.
Absolutely. Technical SEO, which includes site speed optimization, mobile-friendliness, and structured data, is integral and is covered in our packages.
Yes, we strictly follow white-hat SEO practices, ensuring that your website’s growth is organic and adheres to Google’s guidelines.
Client satisfaction is pivotal. If you’re not content, we’ll work closely with you, reassessing strategies to drive desired results.
Certainly! As your business needs evolve, we offer the flexibility to switch between packages, ensuring you always get optimal services.
Our expert team conducts thorough keyword research, considering search volume, competition, and relevance to your business.
Yes, every client is assigned a dedicated account manager to ensure seamless communication and personalized service.
Banter Marketo is adept at handling multi-language SEO, ensuring your content is optimized for diverse linguistic groups within India.
Indeed, backlinks are vital for SEO. Our packages encompass robust link-building strategies, ensuring high-quality and relevant backlinks for your site.
Absolutely! We understand that as your business grows, your SEO needs might expand. We offer hassle-free upgrades to cater to evolving requirements.
Transparency is a cornerstone of our ethos. All costs are clearly outlined in our packages, ensuring no unexpected surprises for our clients.
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