Best Content Packages To Boost Brand Visibility

Elevate your brand’s online presence with our top-tier content packages, meticulously crafted for optimal engagement and reach. Dive into a bespoke content strategy that not only resonates with your audience but also positions you at the forefront of your industry.

Brands We Proudly Collaborate With:

Best Content Marketing Packages To Aid SEO Efforts

Explore Our Result Driven Content Marketing Packages To Aid Your Overall Digital Marketing Strategy.


1 Channel

INR 15,000/-
Per Month

– Instagram –

*Additional Charges


2 Channel

INR 25,000/-
Per Month

– Instagram –

*Additional Charges


3 Channel

INR 50,000/-
Per Month

– Instagram –

*Additional Charges


Upto 6 Channel

INR 1,00,000/-
Per Month

– Instagram –

*Additional Charges

Our Results Speak

Boosted website traffic 5x through strategic blog posting.

Enhanced social media engagement 10x with precise branding.

Achieved 3x newsletter signups using curated content campaigns.

Drove 4x conversions via targeted e-book promotions.




Through compelling content, we solidify your brand’s voice and identity, making it recognizable and trustworthy to your audience.



With captivating and relevant content, we drive user engagement, encouraging interactions and building community around your brand.

SEO Optimization


Our content is not just well-written, but also SEO-friendly, ensuring that your business ranks higher on search engine results.

Authority Building


By crafting insightful and authoritative content, we position your business as an industry expert, gaining trust and credibility.

Lead Generation


Tailored content targets potential customers, transforming casual readers into valuable leads and potential sales.

Consistent Messaging


We ensure that every piece of content aligns with your brand message, creating a consistent and cohesive image for your business.



Determine what you want to achieve, whether it’s increased traffic, higher engagement, or more sales. Having clear objectives will guide your content strategy.


Understand who your content is for. By knowing your audience’s needs and preferences, you can create content that resonates with them.

Content Audit

Review existing content to see what’s working and what’s not. This helps in refining your strategy and identifying gaps to fill.

Content Creation

Develop high-quality, relevant content tailored to your audience. This could be in the form of blog posts, videos, infographics, and more.

Content Promotion

Share your content on various platforms like social media, email newsletters, or paid ads to maximize its reach and visibility.

Engagement Monitoring

Track how your audience interacts with your content. Look for comments, shares, and feedback to gauge its effectiveness.

Performance Analysis

Use tools like Google Analytics to measure the success of your content in terms of traffic, conversion rates, and other key metrics.

Iteration and Improvement

Based on performance data, continuously refine and adjust your content strategy. Keep updating and improving content to stay relevant and effective.

Why Banter Marketo’s Content Packages Are Best?


Beyond standard audience targeting, we delve deep into individual user behaviors, crafting content that feels almost hand-written for each reader.

Cross-Medium Synergy

Our strategies don’t just exist in isolation; they interlink content across all mediums (like podcasts, blogs, and videos) for a holistic brand experience.

Neuro-Marketing Integration

Leveraging principles from neuroscience, we create content that taps directly into the subconscious preferences and desires of your audience, ensuring deeper connections.


Content marketing, a cornerstone of modern digital strategy, varies in cost based on multiple elements. Here’s what typically influences the budget:
This encompasses the costs of writers, editors, graphic designers, and potentially videographers. High-quality, professionally crafted content tends to demand a premium, but it offers better engagement and conversion.
Choosing where to distribute and promote content can affect costs. Premium platforms or ad placements on popular social networks might be more expensive than organic blog posting or email marketing.
A well-researched, tailored content strategy can require investment, especially if expert consultants or specialized tools are involved to understand audience behavior and market trends.
Beyond organic reach, promoting content through PPC campaigns, sponsored posts, or influencer partnerships can add to the expenses. The broader the reach, the higher the potential cost.
Content marketing is an investment in your brand’s voice, visibility, and relationship with your audience. While costs can vary based on the above factors, it’s crucial to remember the long-term value it brings. Effective content marketing not only drives immediate results but also establishes lasting brand credibility and trust.

Recent Case Studies

Recent Case Studies

Content Marketing

Traffic Increase
0 %
Insurance Company

Content Marketing

Revenue Increase
0 %
Affiliate Marketing

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0 %
HR Consulting

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Increase in Leads
0 %

Content Marketing

Increase in Traffic
0 %
Online Media

How Much Should I Invest In Content Marketing?

Allocating a budget for content marketing is both an art and a science, balancing immediate business goals with long-term brand growth. Here’s what to consider when deciding your investment:

Business Objectives

Your content marketing budget should align with your goals, whether it’s increasing brand awareness, boosting sales, or engaging a target demographic.

Quality vs. Quantity

Investing in high-quality content might mean producing fewer pieces, but these can often have a more significant impact and longer shelf life.

Distribution Channels

Different platforms come with varying costs. While organic blog posts might be more budget-friendly, paid promotions or influencer partnerships can quickly escalate costs.

Monitoring & Analytics

To ensure your strategy is effective, a portion of your budget should be dedicated to tools and platforms that track performance, engagement, and conversion metrics.
Content marketing is a long-term investment, often requiring patience before yielding tangible returns. It’s essential to remember that while costs are a vital consideration, the real value lies in building lasting relationships with your audience, positioning your brand as an industry leader, and consistently delivering valuable content.

What Our Clients Say

Unveil the experiences of our valued clients and discover the Banter Marketo difference. Their success stories illuminate our commitment to excellence and showcase our unwavering dedication to empowering brands across the digital sphere

Divya Jain

Banter Marketo’s content marketing brought our brand to life!

YeeFong Ng

Their content strategies consistently drive engagement and growth.

Dr Wade Azmy

Banter Marketo’s content team is top-notch—innovative and reliable.

Parasar Saha

Their content marketing turned our leads into loyal customers.

Laura Janusik

Banter Marketo’s content services exceeded our expectations.

Harish Laddha

Choosing them for content marketing was a game-changer for our business.

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the perfect content strategy for your needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Banter Marketo’s content marketing packages encompass a comprehensive suite of services. This includes content strategy development, content creation (blogs, infographics, videos), distribution, analytics, and optimization. Each package is tailored to align with your business goals and target audience.
Content marketing boosts your online visibility, establishes brand authority, and engages your target audience. With Banter Marketo’s expertise, quality content drives organic traffic, fosters trust, and nurtures leads, ultimately enhancing sales and brand loyalty.
Absolutely! Banter Marketo understands that each business has unique needs. Our packages are flexible, allowing for adjustments and customization to ensure they perfectly align with your objectives and budget.
Quality is our top priority. Our seasoned content creators follow stringent guidelines, conduct thorough research, and undergo multiple review stages, ensuring every piece is informative, engaging, and optimized for SEO.
Yes, Banter Marketo has a diverse team skilled in crafting content for various industries. Whether you’re in tech, healthcare, e-commerce, or any other sector, we have experts to cater to your specific needs.
The frequency of content publication depends on the chosen package and your business objectives. Whether it’s daily blogs, weekly articles, or monthly whitepapers, Banter Marketo will align the schedule to your goals.
Yes, distribution is a key component of our packages. Banter Marketo ensures your content reaches the right audience through the right channels, be it social media, email marketing, or other platforms.
Every client is assigned a dedicated content manager. This ensures consistent communication, understanding of your brand voice, and timely delivery of all content deliverables.
Banter Marketo utilizes advanced analytics tools to measure key metrics like traffic, engagement, conversion rates, and ROI. Regular reports provide insights into the campaign’s performance and areas of improvement.
Of course! Our packages are flexible. Depending on your evolving business needs and feedback, you can easily upgrade, downgrade, or modify your content marketing package.
If you have an in-house team, Banter Marketo can collaborate, providing guidance, strategy development, or even just content optimization services. We aim to complement and elevate your existing efforts.
Yes, recognizing India’s diverse linguistic landscape, Banter Marketo offers content services in multiple languages to cater to a wider audience and regional markets.
SEO is integral to our content creation process. Our experts conduct keyword research, implement on-page SEO practices, and ensure content structure and quality align with search engine guidelines.
Yes, Banter Marketo’s packages encompass various content formats, including video. We have a dedicated team for video scriptwriting, production, and editing to engage your audience visually.
Certainly! We’re proud of our portfolio. Upon request, Banter Marketo can provide samples from various industries, showcasing our versatility and quality.
Client satisfaction is crucial. If you’re not content with a piece, Banter Marketo offers a set number of revisions based on the package chosen, ensuring the final content aligns with your expectations.
Answer: Banter Marketo offers both short-term and long-term packages. While some clients prefer month-to-month engagements, others opt for longer contracts to ensure consistent content strategy and benefits.
Yes, apart from creation, Banter Marketo offers content promotion services, ensuring your content reaches a broader audience through paid advertisements, social sharing, and more.
Answer: Our team regularly attends workshops, webinars, and conferences. This continuous learning approach, combined with in-depth research, ensures our content is always current, relevant, and aligned with industry trends.
Absolutely! Client collaboration is encouraged. Your insights, industry knowledge, and preferences are invaluable. Banter Marketo always welcomes and incorporates client inputs into the content strategy.
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