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IN 2023 | How to find A good SEO Specialist- Banter Marketo

Every website craves that top spot-on Google.

But, with 93% of online experiences beginning with a search engine, the competition is fierce.

As algorithms constantly evolve, navigating the SEO landscape can feel like steering a ship in a storm.

But here’s a curveball: not all SEO guidance is created equal.

A large agency might boast broad expertise, but sometimes, your ship needs a skilled captain, not an entire crew.

That’s where individual consultants come into play, offering tailored strategies and undivided attention.

Ready to find that SEO expert who can chart the course to digital success?

Buckle up. I’m about to guide you through the crucial steps of finding an ace SEO consultant, ensuring you sail smoothly through the choppy waters of the digital realm.

Stay with me, and let’s unravel this together.

Defining Your SEO Needs

First things first, take a hard look at where you are.

Use tools like Google Analytics and Search Console. How’s your organic traffic?

Need more conversions? It’s crucial.

Data shows that 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine. If you’re lagging, you’re missing out.

SEO isn’t a one-size-fits-all game. It’s vast. Maybe your technical SEO is a mess, causing slow site speeds and crawl issues.

Perhaps it’s your content.

Remember, quality content can increase blog traffic by up to 2,000%.

Or, maybe your backlinks are sparse, and with 55% of webpages having zero backlinks, you don’t want to be in that majority.

Pinpointing your pain points is the key. Once you do, you’ll know exactly what kind of expert you need to guide your ship.

Onward! ?

Where to Start Your Search

Navigating the vast sea of SEO consultants? It can be a challenge, but don’t sweat it. I’ve got you covered.

·         Tap Into Your Network

The best place to start? Right in your backyard. Ask business peers and colleagues.

Real-world recommendations are gold.

Think about it: 84% of people trust word-of-mouth recommendations as much as they do online reviews. That’s massive.

·         Delve into SEO Communities

Forums like Webmaster World, SEO Chat, or even subreddits focused on SEO are buzzing hubs.

SEO enthusiasts love to chat, share, and most importantly, recommend. Dive in, engage, ask. You’ll be surprised at the gems you uncover.

·         Professional Platforms & Directories

LinkedIn isn’t just for job hunting. It’s a treasure trove of experts.

And if you’re open to remote consultants, platforms like Upwork can be game-changers.

Don’t forget industry-specific directories either; sites like Moz’s Recommended List or Clutch can offer curated lists of top-tier talent.

The world’s full of talented SEO consultants. Your mission?

Finding the one that fits just right. Keep those eyes peeled, and let’s continue this journey. Forward we go! ?

Evaluating Experience & Expertise

Finding an SEO consultant is one thing. Ensuring they’re the real deal? That’s where the magic lies.

Before anything, scope out their past work.

Any consultant worth their salt will have a portfolio or case studies. It speaks volumes. A stellar project track record?

That’s a green flag. Remember, results speak louder than words, always.

SEO has many faces. Some are local SEO wizards, others e-commerce ninjas, and some breathe B2B. It’s vital.

For instance, local SEO can drive a 50% conversion rate on mobile searches. If you’re a local business, you’d want someone with that expertise.

Years in the game matters. But it’s not just about the years; it’s about adaptability.

The SEO world changes fast. Heck, Google tweaks its algorithm over 500 times a year!

You need someone who’s not only seasoned but also updated. Continuous learning is the name of the game.

In the quest for the perfect SEO consultant, knowledge and adaptability reign supreme. Make sure your consultant brings both to the table.

Let’s keep rolling and dive deeper. Next stop: excellence! ?

Technical Knowledge & Skills

Alright, it’s tech time! This is where we separate the rookies from the pros.

1.    Tool Mastery

An expert consultant doesn’t just ‘know’ tools, they master them.

Whether it’s the insights from Google Analytics, the data from Ahrefs, or the competitive analysis from SEMrush, these tools aren’t just options, they’re essentials.

2.    Algorithm Whizzes

Search engine algorithms are ever-evolving beasts. From broad core updates to specific tweaks, a top-notch consultant stays in the loop.

SEO is about dancing with these algorithms, not fighting against them.

3.    Code & Structure Savvy

Deep-seated SEO issues often lie in the code. Maybe it’s a rogue robots.txt, perhaps a misconfigured .htaccess file.

A consultant with a good grasp of coding, be it HTML, CSS, or even JavaScript, can be a lifesaver.

Plus, understanding site structures, like silos and hierarchies, can significantly influence SEO performance.

In essence, technical prowess is a must. SEO isn’t just about keywords; it’s about the entire digital ecosystem. Ensure your consultant can navigate it with confidence.

Buckle up; we’re zooming into even more details next! Onwards!

Testimonials, Reviews & References

Okay, let’s talk social proof. Because, let’s face it, in the age of the internet, reputation is everything.

You wouldn’t buy a product online without checking the reviews, right?

The same goes for hiring an SEO consultant.

Testimonials are more than just kind words; they’re a testament to a consultant’s capability.

Data drop: A whopping 92% of consumers trust peer recommendations over advertising. Think about that!

Platforms like LinkedIn, Clutch, or even Google My Business can offer a glimpse into a consultant’s reputation. Reviews, both the glowing and the critical, give a rounded picture.

The more reviews, the clearer the image.

Reviews are great, but direct feedback? It’s in a league of its own.

Reach out to some of their past clients. Ask the tough questions. Did they deliver?

Were there hiccups? It’s like getting a sneak peek into your potential future with that consultant.

In the end, a consultant’s track record, validated by real-world reviews and direct feedback, can be your compass in this journey.

Because remember, results don’t lie, and neither do satisfied customers.

Gear up; our journey’s far from over. The road to SEO brilliance continues! ?

Communication & Reporting

Let’s talk connection. Because a great SEO consultant doesn’t just ‘do’ SEO; they communicate it.

SEO isn’t a one-and-done thing; it’s a marathon.

And in this race, regular updates are your hydration stops.

Establish clear expectations right from the start. You deserve to know where your investment’s going.

SEO is filled with jargons: canonicals, hreflangs, schema, and whatnot.

A proficient consultant won’t just throw these terms at you; they’ll break them down.

Because informed clients make the best partners.

What gets measured gets managed. Whether it’s organic traffic, backlink growth, or keyword rankings, clarity on these KPIs is paramount.

A robust SEO strategy isn’t vague; it’s metric-driven.

Costs & Contract Transparency

Money talks. But it’s not just about the amount; it’s about the clarity.

Whether it’s an hourly rate, a monthly retainer, or project-based, understand their pricing structure. After all, SEO is an investment, and you should know where every penny’s headed.

Dive into the details. What services are covered? Are there potential additional costs?

And if things don’t work out, what’s the cancellation policy?

No one likes unpleasant surprises, especially not when budgets are on the line.

Remember, in the realm of SEO consulting, clarity is king. Whether it’s results, jargons, or costs, a top-tier consultant ensures you’re never left in the dark.

Ethical Standards & Best Practices

Navigating the world of SEO is like sailing the high seas. There are clear, calm waters (white-hat strategies) and treacherous, stormy zones (black-hat tactics).

White-hat SEO is the gold standard. Real results come from genuine strategies that are in line with search engine guidelines.

The best consultants wear their white hats with pride.

Quick results? #1 rankings overnight? These are not just red flags; they’re blazing sirens.

Remember this: SEO is a marathon, not a sprint.

Avoid consultants who lure with dubious shortcuts.

Because here’s a fact: around 70% of sites penalized for black-hat tactics never recover their rankings. Ouch!

Continuous Learning & Industry Involvement

SEO isn’t static. It’s a dynamic, ever-evolving field. And standing still is not an option.

Google alone made over 3,000 updates to its algorithm last year. A consultant worth their salt stays on top of these. They don’t just react; they anticipate.

Engagement with the SEO Community: Is your potential consultant a regular at industry conferences?

Do they attend workshops, webinars, or seminars?

This active involvement isn’t just about networking; it’s about continuous learning.

To sum it up, in the fast-paced world of SEO, a consultant’s commitment to growth is a reflection of their commitment to your success.

The journey of finding the right SEO consultant is paved with decisions.

Stick with me, and let’s make the best ones together! Onward and upward! ?

Conduct a Trial or Consultation

Before diving headfirst into a partnership, dip your toes in. Sometimes, a trial can speak volumes.

Think of a small project or consultation as a sneak peek.

It offers a practical insight into the consultant’s expertise, strategy, and, most importantly, their ability to deliver.

It’s one thing to discuss strategies and another to witness them unfold. This trial allows you to gauge their efficiency, transparency, and how they handle the curveballs SEO often throws.

SEO Consultant Vs SEO Agency: Why Agency is A Good Fit?

While individual consultants come with their own set of advantages, there are compelling reasons why an agency might just be the better fit for you.

  1. Multiple Experts Under One Roof: An agency usually houses a team of specialists. Be it content, technical SEO, or link building, you have an expert for everything. It’s like having a complete SEO orchestra instead of a soloist.
  2. Scalability – Ready for Your Growth Spurts: As your business grows, so do your SEO needs. Agencies are typically well-equipped to scale services in tandem with your growth, ensuring seamless progress.
  3. Advanced Tools & Technologies: The best SEO agencies have access to industry-leading tools and technologies. This arsenal, combined with their expertise, can propel your online presence to new heights.
  4. Flexibility in Commitment: While consultants often work with a few clients, agencies have the bandwidth to adjust their strategies and commitments based on the dynamic needs of multiple clients.

In the grand chessboard of SEO, both consultants and agencies have their roles. But understanding their strengths can help you make a checkmate move for your business.

Let’s keep the momentum going and make informed decisions together! Onward to online dominance! ?


In this complex labyrinth of SEO, making an informed choice is your compass. Remember, patience and due diligence are key.

Every decision you make now will shape your digital trajectory. Let’s ensure it’s a climb to the summit.

Here’s to making waves in the digital realm! Until our next adventure, navigate wisely and prosper.


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