From 0 to 4000 Inbound Leads P/M for Logistics Company

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In the dynamic and highly competitive logistics industry, maintaining a robust online presence is crucial. This case study explores how Banter Marketo, a leading digital marketing agency, revitalized the online footprint of a logistics company experiencing a significant downturn in website traffic in 2020.

Company Background

Our client, a mid-sized logistics company, specializes in providing comprehensive transportation and warehousing solutions. Despite their expertise, they struggled to gain traction online, reflected in their diminishing website metrics.


In April 2020, the company’s online presence was waning:

  • Organic traffic stood at 5,197 visitors.
  • Inspite of 80 keywords ranked in the top 3 search results, there were barely any leads.
  • A mere 795 referring domains challenging website credibility for search engine.
  • Traffic value stagnated at $2,598.
  • Major traffic was from the brand keywords reflecting wrong keyword targeting.

These figures were symptomatic of broader issues: low domain authority, inadequate SEO practices, and ineffective content marketing.

“Modern day buyers prefer their own product research and hence customized approach to potential customers is imperative in generating leads and closing deals. Digital marketing helps with personalized approach to address the concern, queries and objections of your target audience and build credibility and brand loyalty”.

2. Solutions Implemented

Banter Marketo’s strategy focused on:
  • High-Quality Link Building: Cultivating authoritative backlinks to boost domain authority and search rankings.
  • Holistic SEO: Implementing comprehensive SEO techniques, including on-page optimization and technical enhancements.
  • Content Marketing for Sales Funnel Creation: Developing engaging, informative content tailored to guide visitors through the sales funnel.
  • Focus on Commercial Keywords: Shifting focus from informational to commercial keywords to generate leads and drive revenue.

3. Results Achieved

By September 2023, the impact was remarkable:
  • A surge in organic traffic to 65,741 visitors.
  • Referring domains increased to 1,721.
  • Average traffic value skyrocketed to $28,531.
  • From 0 to 4000 leads generated per month.
These metrics not only represented a significant improvement in online visibility but also in the company’s market positioning and potential for lead conversion.


The partnership with Banter Marketo marked a turning point for the logistics company. The strategic blend of high-quality link building, holistic SEO, and targeted content marketing translated into substantial gains in web traffic, domain authority, and overall digital footprint, setting a new benchmark for their online presence in the logistics sector.