From 0 to $1,30,000 P/M Revenue for a Cosmetic Surgeon.

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In 2020, a UK-based cosmetic surgeon was striving to make a mark in the competitive cosmetic surgery industry. Despite offering top-notch services, their digital footprint was minimal, reflected in modest online traffic and limited visibility in search results.

Initial Situation:

Before meeting Banter Marketo, here are the statistics for the client’s website:

Numbers At Gance in 2020

  • Organic Traffic: 759
  • Keywords Ranking in Top 3: 18
  • Traffic Value: $211
  • Lead Generation: 0
  • Revenue Generation: 0


  1. Low Organic Traffic: With only 759 visitors, the website struggled to attract potential clients. Even this traffic was from the brand keywords that hardly bring any conversions.
  2. Poor Keyword Performance: Merely 18 keywords ranked in the top 3, limiting online visibility for the client.
  3. Negligible Traffic Value and Lead Generation: A traffic value of just $211 and zero lead generation highlighted the ineffectiveness of their online presence in generating business.
  4. Zero Revenue from Digital Channels: Despite having an online presence, it didn’t translate into any revenue.

Strategies Implemented by Banter Marketo

  1. Enhanced SEO Tactics: Focused on elevating organic search visibility with high intent commercial keywords that can bring substantial revenue to the client.
  2. Targeted Keyword Optimization: Boosted the website’s ranking for high-value keywords that are high intent inbound leads.
  3. Content Strategy Overhaul: Developed engaging, relevant content to attract and retain visitors by addressing their concerns and objections.
  4. Conversion Optimization: Streamlined the website for better user experience and lead conversion.

Phenomenal Results by Banter Marketo

Current Status

As of 2023, the surgeon’s website boasts an impressive 37,636 organic visitors and 725 top 3 keyword rankings, a testament to the effectiveness of the implemented strategies. The backlink count has risen to 1950, traffic value skyrocketed to $6374, and most impressively, lead generation and revenue have surged to 1300+ and $130,000 respectively. In the next 6-12 months, the aim is to further solidify online presence, continue increasing revenue, and maintain the lead in the competitive market.
With limited number of backlinks (1000 backlinks in 3 years), the client has witnessed a magnificent growth due to Holistic SEO and highly targeted content marketing.

Comparative Table

Organic Traffic75937,63636877
Keywords in Top 318725707
Traffic Value$211$6,374$6,163
Lead Generation01300+1300
Revenue Generation$0$130,000$1,30,000
This case study exemplifies the power of strategic SEO and its role as a cost-effective, value-generating channel for long-term business growth. The impressive numbers and calculated approach provide a genuine insight into the transformation achieved through adept digital marketing strategies. If you are aiming for the similar results, connect with Banter Marketo now!